Understanding SQL Data Types
Understanding SQL Data Types SQL data types define the kind of values that can be stored in a table column. For example, if you want a column to store only integer…
A Guide to SQL Expressions
A Guide to SQL Expressions SQL expression is a combination of one or more values, operators and SQL functions that results in to a value. These SQL expressions are similar…
A Guide to the SQL IN Operator
A Guide to the SQL IN Operator SQL IN operator is used along with WHERE clause for providing multiple values as part of the WHERE clause. Content1 1. SQL IN2…
SQL Injection in Java and How to Easily Prevent it
SQL Injection in Java and How to Easily Prevent it SQL Injection is one of the top 10 web application vulnerabilities. In simple words, SQL Injection means injecting/inserting SQL code…
Introduction to SQL LIKE Operator
Introduction to SQL LIKE Operator SQL LIKE is used with WHERE clause to search for a pattern for a column. Wildcards are the one which is used for specifying the…
SQL SELECT statement with COUNT() function
SQL SELECT statement with COUNT() function Content1 What is SQL SELECT statement?2 Syntax:3 Example:4 Output:5 What is SQL COUNT() function?6 Variations of SQL SELECT statement with COUNT() function7 Examples of…
SQL Interview Questions and Answers
SQL Interview Questions and Answers SQL Interview Questions and Answers are asked in almost all interviews because database operations are very common in applications. SQL stands for Structured Query Language,…