Simple and reliable cloud website hosting with centron

centron offers a simple and reliable cloud hosting solution that enables developers and companies to get their website or application up and running quickly.

Website hosting with Ease of Use at its core

centron's low prices, simple user interface and extensive library of documentation and tutorials mean you can host your website in minutes.

Quick start

centron enables everyone from developers creating personal websites to fast-growing start-ups launching new products to get up and running quickly.

Keeping costs low

centron's low cost and transparent pricing model ensures that your web hosting costs remain low and predictable, even as your app scales.

Scaling with confidence

Our 99.95% uptime guarantee and distributed data centers mean that your website is available and accessible anytime, anywhere.

Build according to your conditions

With flexible hosting options and the ability to choose from the most popular frameworks and languages, you can build and host your website according to your needs.

Website hosting tools to support building and scaling

centron offers all the infrastructure solutions that website developers need, from computing power to Kubernetes. The ccloud³ VMs, centron's virtual machines, are the ideal solution for website hosters who want to get started quickly with a flexible cloud hosting solution.

Get started now with low-cost hosting at centron

Save time and money while reliably serving your customers with the cloud infrastructure platform that is as feature-rich as it is easy to use with simple and reliable cloud hosting.

Get started with centron now

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is cloud web hosting?

Cloud web hosting is a type of web hosting service where websites or applications are hosted on a cluster of servers that are connected to each other via an internet network. Instead of being hosted on a single physical server, cloud web hosting is run on multiple servers. We offer affordable hosting, write to us.

What is shared web hosting?

Shared web hosting is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites are on a single server. The hosting providers are responsible for maintaining the server hardware to ensure reliability and availability. Shared hosting is the most cost-effective option for startups and small to medium-sized businesses on a budget.

What is dedicated hosting?

Dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting service where a single server is made available to a company for its exclusive use, usually for a monthly fee. Unlike shared hosting, where multiple websites share server resources, this option gives your business complete control over the server's CPU, memory, disk space and bandwidth.

Can I host my website for free?

Free web hosting services are often supported by advertising, which can detract from your user experience and undermine the credibility of your business. Instead, opt for affordable web hosting with transparent pricing that fits your budget and offers features that prioritize functionality, reliability, security and support. You can get affordable hosting reliably through centron.

What is the cheapest web hosting service?

Affordable hosting: centron ccloud³ VMs start at just €3.35 / month and offer comprehensive functions to support your company's applications.

Can I get a free domain at centron?

Yes, centron offers domain name registration or a domain name. You can also add an existing domain to your centron account.

Is centron a website builder?

No, centron is not a website construction kit platform.

Bietet centron WordPress-Hosting an?

Yes, centron offers WordPress hosting.