

NIS2 - An Introduction to the EU Directive

NIS2 - An Introduction to the EU Directive on Network and Information Security

The Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2) is an EU directive that will be transposed into German legislation by the end of 2024. The full directive can be found at As the successor to NIS1, which came into effect on June 29, 2017 (see, NIS2 aims to strengthen cybersecurity in businesses, minimize risks, and avoid damage from cyberattacks.

Although NIS1 has been in existence for many years, NIS2 is now gaining increased attention because the draft will significantly obligate a larger number of companies to implement the prescribed measures. Companies should assess early on whether they are affected, as the implementation of the directive may take several months to years.

centron provides support for the security of IT infrastructures by offering computing power and data storage from an ISO 27001 certified data center according to the BSI IT basic protection standard ( As a strong partner, centron can help overcome one of the most significant hurdles in the implementation of a successful Information Security Management System (ISMS).

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provides an introduction to the topic of ISMS at An ISMS includes basic components such as management principles, resources for information security, employee involvement in the security process, security process, security concept, and security organization.

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User Interviews: From Recruitment to Analysis

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Mastering User Interviews: From Recruitment to Analysis

Successful user interviews are the key to product improvement. Learn how to find, prepare, and conduct user interviews effectively to gain valuable insights.

1. User Recruitment

Recruiting users for interviews can be costly, but there are also cost-effective methods:

  • Conference Speakers and Panel Participants: These individuals are often interested in networking and speaking. A personal email can work wonders.
  • Press Releases: Look for potential interviewees in press releases, especially from competitors.
  • Social Media: Non-intrusive contact through social media can be successful.
  • Dedicated Website Page: Set up a page on your website where users can sign up for interviews.
  • Recruitment Services: Depending on your needs, services like or can be helpful.

Our Tip: Personal contacts and recommendations often work best.

2. Interview Preparation

Preparing for interviews is crucial. Ensure that users have all the necessary information for the appointment. Use tools like to record and observe the interviews. Also, prepare a discussion guide to serve as a foundation.

3. Conducting the Interviews

Start the interviews informally to build a foundation of trust. Ask open-ended questions to gain deeper insights. Don’t rigidly follow the question order; instead, adapt to the users’ responses.

4. Key Interview Questions

  • Who are they? Get to know the user and their company.
  • What do they do all day? Understand the user’s daily tasks and processes.
  • What do they do when it gets tough? Focus on challenges and how they are overcome.
  • What does the world look like when everything is going great? Find out what excites the user.
  • Why? (Why? Why?) Use “Why?” as a follow-up question to dig deeper.
  • Aspirations: Inquire about the user’s dream process or dream solution.

5. After the Interviews

Send participants a thank you and inform them about any incentives. Use surveys to gain further insights. Share raw notes with your team.

6. Analysis and Synthesis

Identify common themes in the interviews and synthesize the data into actionable conclusions. Present the findings to the team or company and incorporate them into onboarding materials for new hires – Mastering User Interviews

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The Art of SaaS Scaling: More Users, Less Costs

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Mastering The Art of SaaS Scaling – Tips and Strategies

In today’s digital economy, Software as a Service (SaaS) models have secured a firm place. They offer the ability to deliver services over the internet and have become a crucial resource for software developers seeking to distribute their products, thanks to their subscription-based pricing model and user-friendly offerings.

The Proliferation of SaaS Products

SaaS solutions are widespread, ranging from personal finance apps to business productivity software and developer tools. It’s not uncommon for micro-SaaS applications to be developed for specific industries or tasks.

The beauty of this SaaS wave is that it has enabled a new generation of software developers to create and monetize applications. You don’t need to be a large company with extensive resources and distribution networks to successfully sell software products. SaaS models empower individuals, small development teams, and small to medium-sized businesses to turn their ideas into software and deliver them to customers worldwide.

Challenges in Building SaaS Solutions

Despite the opportunities presented by the widespread use of SaaS products, software developers still need to address key questions to develop successful SaaS products. This includes selecting the right target audience, prioritizing features, setting pricing, and customer acquisition.

The Role of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can assist software developers in creating and deploying apps. It offers scalable and cost-effective solutions. However, there are challenges, especially for smaller SaaS teams.

Centron – a Solution for SaaS Developers

Centron specializes in small software development teams working on the next generation of applications. Their products are designed for scalability and reliability, allowing developers to focus on what matters most: building their applications.


The proliferation of SaaS products has transformed how software is developed and delivered, with cloud computing playing a crucial role. With partners like Centron, software developers can scale their applications without breaking the bank while ensuring reliability and cost-effectiveness – Mastering The Art of SaaS Scaling – Tips and Strategies

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Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

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Hiring your first employee is a crucial step for your startup.

Plan carefully and lay the foundation for a successful collaboration.

Logistical challenges and legal requirements can make the process of hiring your first employee complex. However, it’s a rewarding investment. The following tips and insights are designed to pave the way for shared success for you and your future team.

The Right Timing?

The right time to hire your first employee is critical to your business’s success. Initially, you might be able to handle all tasks on your own, but there are clear signs indicating when it’s time to seek reinforcements:

  • Prolonged development cycles are impacting your company and slowing down your ability to adapt to trends and user interests.
  • Capacity constraints hinder your effective product marketing. A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) alone might not suffice.
  • You’re turning down customers and projects due to excessive workloads.
  • New opportunities arise, but you lack the extra time to pursue them.
  • You require specific skills that complement your own to focus on your core competencies.

10 More Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

Consider Freelancers: Think about hiring a freelancer or contract worker initially instead of a full-time employee. This provides flexibility and reduces bureaucratic overhead.

Long-Term Planning: Contemplate how your team will look in the future. This helps optimize the number of hires and find the right employees.

Remote Options: Consider hiring remote workers. This expands the talent pool and can be cost-effective.

Define Culture: Ensure you keep your desired company culture in mind when hiring your first team member. Look for someone who fits the culture.

Team over Employee: Remember that you’re building a team, not just hiring employees. Team members are more invested and engaged.

Clear Role Definition: Ensure your first employee has a clear role and expectations. Empower them sufficiently to feel like a valuable team member.

Set a Budget: Establish a realistic budget to attract high-quality employees. Low salaries can be counterproductive in the long run.

Attract Top Candidates: Create an enticing job posting and offer competitive compensation and benefits. Utilize your network and job boards for distribution.

Mindful Interviews: Conduct interviews with purpose. Ask targeted questions and keep the conversations concise and meaningful.

Onboarding: Consider a thorough onboarding process to ensure long-term retention and early success.

Start on the Right Path with centron

Hiring your first employee is a significant milestone for your startup, just like selecting the right cloud infrastructure. Find the right cloud solution from the start, and you’ll pave a smooth path for all developers and engineers who join your team later on. Hiring your first employee is a crucial step for your startup.

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Kubernetes for Startups: Why, When, and How?

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Introducing Kubernetes to Startups

Introducing Kubernetes to startups requires careful planning. We assist you in choosing the right timing and strategy to maximize the benefits of this powerful tool.

Kubernetes has established itself as the most popular solution for container orchestration and management, and businesses of all kinds use it to increase automation and reduce IT costs. But is Kubernetes the right choice for every startup? In this blog post, we will examine why, when, and how you should introduce Kubernetes to your startup.

Why Introduce Kubernetes?

If you’re a growth-oriented startup, you should develop your application in a way that allows you to achieve your goals with minimal effort and friction. One way to accomplish this is by using Kubernetes. Kubernetes enables you to utilize microservices instead of a monolithic architecture, increasing flexibility in development. It allows businesses to scale quickly and deploy software rapidly. Kubernetes enhances resource utilization, shortens development cycles, and facilitates the integration of new team members. With its self-healing and automatic scaling capabilities, it ensures high reliability and stability. The adoption of Kubernetes is becoming increasingly popular even in small and medium-sized technology companies. It makes sense to invest in Kubernetes if you plan to scale.

When to Introduce Kubernetes?

Startups need to be agile and scalable. In the early stages of development, when you are still working on your concept and need to make rapid changes, Kubernetes may not be the best choice. The benefits of scalability and stability may not necessarily be relevant at this phase. Instead, focus on product validation and quickly building MVPs to gather feedback. Consider introducing Kubernetes when you’ve found product-market fit, have a functioning application, and are planning to scale.

How to Introduce Kubernetes?

The complexity of Kubernetes can be a hurdle for startups. Having a clear strategy can keep your team on track, save time, and make informed decisions. Utilize open-source and pre-built solutions offered by the Kubernetes community to save time and establish best practices for your business. If you lack expertise, time, and resources, consider using a public cloud service with a managed Kubernetes solution. These services continuously monitor your Kubernetes control plane and make access and deployment easier.

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Product Marketing for Startups: The 7 Steps of Strategy Development

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Developing an Effective Product Marketing Strategy for Startups

Marketing a product is a crucial step for any company, regardless of its size. Large corporations often have dedicated teams for product marketing, but what about startups that lack the resources for specialized teams?

In this blog post, we outline 7 steps to help founders successfully develop an effective product marketing strategy for their startup, laying a solid foundation for growth and acceptance. The right strategy can indeed make the difference between success and failure in a highly competitive market.

Step 1: Understanding Product Marketing

Before delving into the details, let’s clarify what product marketing is all about. Product marketing comes into play when launching new products or features, persuading existing customers to make a purchase, or executing campaigns for acquiring new customers. Unlike traditional marketing, which encompasses all aspects of the business, product marketing focuses on the strategies and messages directly related to the product.

Step 2: Develop Relevant Messages

Before you can effectively market your product, you must understand how it fits into the market. Start by researching the needs and desires of your potential customers. What problems do they have that your product can solve? The art is not to start with how great your product is but with why it’s relevant to customers. The answer to the question “Why should I care about this?” should be at the core of your message.

Step 3: Customer Understanding

To create effective messages, you need to understand your target audience. Utilize tools such as customer surveys, focus groups, and market research to uncover what matters most to your customers. Consider both their professional and personal goals. What challenges do they want to overcome? What objectives are they pursuing? Your message should align with these needs and goals.

Step 4: Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Product

Once you understand your target audience, it’s time to explore how your product fulfills their needs. Examine the functionalities of your product in detail and demonstrate how they benefit customers. At the same time, don’t neglect the weaknesses of your product. Think about how you can either address these weaknesses through product improvements or positively communicate them in your message.

Step 5: Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competition is essential. Identify your primary competitors and analyze how their product differs from yours. Look at how they position their products and which audience they target. Identify what works well in their message and what doesn’t.

Step 6: Understanding the Market Landscape

In addition to your direct competitors, you should also analyze the overall market situation. Are there similar solutions that cater to different customer groups? Understand where your product stands within the market and how it distinguishes itself from other offerings.

Step 7: Creating the Product Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve grasped these fundamentals, you can develop your product marketing strategy. Utilize the insights you’ve gained to create a clear positioning and messaging components. These will form the basis for your marketing content across various channels. Developing an Effective Product Marketing Strategy for Startups

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Social Media for Startups: Tips for Organic Success

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Establishing a Robust Social Media Presence for Your Startup

In a world where nearly 60% of the population spends multiple hours daily on social media, it’s understandable that businesses want to be a part of this conversation. However, with the constant expansion and monetization of platforms, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for small companies and startups to organically spread their message. In fact, organic reach on Facebook often hovers around just 5% of total followers. But you don’t have to pay to be noticed.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Managing your expectations for the success of strong organic social media for your business is crucial. By aligning the expectations of your team and yourself, you can set realistic goals. Return on Investment (ROI) in social media isn’t always straightforward, and it’s important to remember that there are other marketing objectives that contribute to conversion, even if it requires some patience.

Tips for Your Social Media Success

  1. Outline Your Strategy and Refine Social Media Metrics

    Think about your goals and what you want to achieve with social media. What overarching business objectives do you have, and how can you use social media to reach them? It’s important to connect social goals to broader corporate initiatives.

  2. Optimize Every Step of the Way

    Social media shouldn’t be treated like a megaphone. Content should be curated carefully for social channels. Target those who are interested in what you have to say because when you try to address everyone, you often address no one.

  3. Maintain Your Credibility

    Building a brand takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts, and attempting to expedite organic growth can ultimately harm your brand. Authenticity is crucial for brand loyalty.

  4. Display Transparency and Openness

    Mistakes happen. Social media is a gift that allows us to connect with many different people, but remember that you can’t please everyone. Transparency, authenticity, and offering a solution when mistakes occur are the best way forward – Establishing Robust Social Media Presence

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Exploring the Blockchain Revolution: Transforming Industries

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Exploring the Blockchain Revolution: Transforming Industries

Startups are reshaping the business world. Discover how blockchain is altering the way we conduct transactions and explore the diverse applications of this groundbreaking technology.

Blockchain has the potential to shake the business world to its core. An increasing number of innovative startups are recognizing the possibilities and embracing this transformative technology to change the way business is conducted.

The Power of Blockchain

In a recent study by TechRepublic Research, 64% of professionals indicated they expect blockchain to impact their industry in some way, and most are optimistic about this influence. The application of blockchain is not viewed as an incremental change but as a fundamental overhaul of business practices.

Infinite Possibilities

The applications of blockchain are virtually limitless. Organizations are harnessing this technology to turn visions like fair compensation systems for creatives, secure and efficient data transfer systems, and technologies for rapid and secure digital identity verification into reality. Startups and SMEs worldwide are gearing up to usher in a new era of digital innovation.

Blockchain vs. Cryptocurrency

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are terms that are often conflated, but they are not the same. Cryptocurrencies use blockchain’s distributed ledger but primarily serve as digital stores of value and electronic currencies. In contrast, blockchain enables businesses to transparently execute transactions through the distributed ledger while safeguarding individual data through encryption.

How Blockchain Works

Blockchain enables the secure and immutable storage of data. Data is encrypted within blocks. Each block contains the data itself, a unique hash value for the block, and the hash value of the preceding block. New blocks are created by generating a new hash value, which is then validated through consensus mechanisms often referred to as “proofs.” When these validated blocks are added to the network, the blockchain expands.

Top Use Cases for Blockchain

Thanks to its distributed ledger and rigorous consensus mechanisms, blockchain is ideal for secure information exchange. Key use cases include:

  • Secure transfer of medical data
  • Real estate transactions
  • Supply chain management
  • Smart contracts
  • Music royalty tracking and copyright management
  • Logistics tracking

In a world where innovation and security are in demand, blockchain offers companies the opportunity to succeed in groundbreaking ways and fundamentally transform business practices. Startups that engage with this technology early on could be the pioneers of a new era in the digital economy – Exploring the Blockchain Revolution: Transforming Industries

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Thriving in Economically Turbulent Times: Startups

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Thriving in Economically Turbulent Times: Startups

Crisis periods demand strategic actions from startups. We provide you with tips on how to emerge stronger from the crisis.

For startups, an economic crisis can have far-reaching implications on future plans and growth projections. Even though economic uncertainty is always present, there are steps startups can take to protect their business and employees. We’ve summarized advice for founders and startups in such uncertain times. Here are some of the top tips for surviving an economic crisis.

1. Cost Control

The experts at DigitalOcean emphasize the importance of cost control. In times when customer growth may stagnate and financing can become more challenging, it’s crucial to carefully monitor expenses and review the return on investment for all activities. Startups should avoid taking money on unfavorable terms, even if it leads to a lower valuation. The cleanliness of the contract should take precedence over unfavorable conditions.

2. Focus on Customers and Employees

In uncertain times, it’s crucial to focus on customer satisfaction, retaining and expanding existing customers. Employee retention is also of great importance. Building a culture of happy and engaged employees, especially in times of remote work, can strengthen the company’s long-term stability.

3. Flexible Systems

Uncertainty about future growth requires companies to build flexible systems that can adapt to changing requirements. This applies not only to IT infrastructure but also to marketing and sales expenses. Reviewing and adjusting expenses is crucial to avoid unnecessary costs.

4. Innovation Opportunities

Despite the challenges in economic crisis times, they can also offer opportunities for innovation. By adapting business processes and focusing on efficiency, companies can emerge from the crisis strengthened. Historically, economic downturns have led to significant innovations and the emergence of new businesses.

The Cloud Partner for Startups

Centron understands the needs of startups and small to medium-sized businesses. In uncertain times, predictable pricing and efficiency are more critical than ever. By utilizing our user-friendly cloud tools, startups can overcome the crisis and emerge stronger – Thriving in Economically Turbulent Time

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Effective Messaging Strategies for Startups

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Building a Successful Communication Strategy for Startups

Successful startups rely not only on brilliant ideas and capital but also on effective communication. In our blog post, you will learn about the three pillars on which a successful communication strategy for startups is built.

It Starts with Listening

Success in the startup realm requires more than just a great idea and sufficient funding. Assuming a startup has a strong product, an effective brand messaging strategy can provide the boost it needs to make its mark.

Effective Messaging Strategies for Startups: Curiosity, Clarity, and Consistency

A successful messaging strategy can be categorized into three main areas to structure the business and improve messaging:


Instead of just pondering what you want to tell your target audience, listen. Understand the needs, pain points, and desires of your customers. This means asking questions to both customers and your own team. Always be on the lookout for new information and keep learning continuously.


Your message must be clear and concise. If you can explain your product in various ways, from simple to complex, it not only demonstrates your expertise but also allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your messaging strategy.


Consistency is the key to success. Regularly publish marketing messages on relevant channels. In the digital world, a constant presence is of great importance. Invest in high-quality content that strengthens your brand and builds a strong online presence.

With a sustained interest in your audience, clear communication, and a consistent messaging strategy, you can successfully establish your startup and stand out from the competition.

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