Linux for beginners: The most important commands


The Linux command line is a powerful tool that provides direct access to the system. We will show you some basic commands for beginners that will help you get started with Linux safely.

Linux is known for its stability, security and customizability. The important operating system’s command line, also called the terminal, is a powerful tool that allows users to gain direct access to the system and perform a variety of tasks. Although Linux also offers a graphical user interface, working with the command line is often faster and more efficient, especially when it comes to performing complex tasks.

This post is intended to help you begin your Linux journey with ten basic commands. Note, however, that Linux has many different distributions – some commands may vary slightly depending on the distribution. To be able to cover as many distributions as possible, we will use the general syntax.

1️⃣ ls
The `ls` command prints the contents of the current directory. You can use `ls` alone or add various options to display additional information, such as hidden files (`ls -a`) or detailed information (`ls -l`).

2️⃣ cd
With `cd` you can switch between directories. Just type `cd` followed by the directory name you want to switch to. To return to the parent directory, use `cd ..`.

3️⃣ pwd
The `pwd` command prints the absolute path of the current directory you are in.

4️⃣ mkdir
With `mkdir` you can create new directories. Type `mkdir` followed by the name of the directory you want to create.

5️⃣ rm
The `rm` command is used to delete files or directories. Caution. Deleted files cannot be restored. If you want to delete a directory and all its subfiles, use the `rm -r` command.

6️⃣ cp
Use `cp` to copy files and directories. Type `cp` followed by the source path and destination to create a copy.

7️⃣ mv
The `mv` command allows you to move or rename files and directories. Type `mv` followed by the source path and destination.

8️⃣ cat
`cat` displays the entire contents of a file. You can also use it to merge the contents of multiple files.

9️⃣ grep
With `grep` you can search for specific text patterns in files. It is a powerful tool to filter out information from files.

🔟 man
The `man` command allows you to display the manual pages (man pages) for a particular command. Simply type `man` followed by the command name.

Of course, these are just some basic commands to start your work on the Linux command line. We wish you much success in discovering and experimenting! Learn more.

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