An Insight into the Android Fragment Lifecycle: Basics and Implementation

The Android Fragment Lifecycle

Fragments are an essential part of Android development and play a crucial role in creating dynamic user interfaces. They allow for the modular structuring of UI components and facilitate adaptation to various screen sizes. But how exactly does the interaction between Activities and Fragments work? In this post, we take a detailed look at the Android Fragment Lifecycle and demonstrate how Fragments can be implemented in an Android application.

Understanding the lifecycle of a Fragment is crucial to understanding its functionality. Below are the key methods of the Fragment lifecycle explained:

  1. onAttach(): Called when the Fragment is attached to an Activity.
  2. onCreateView(): This is where the Fragment’s user interface is first created.
  3. onViewCreated(): Following onCreateView(), this method is called to configure the created view.
  4. onActivityCreated(): Signals that the creation of the associated Activity is complete.
  5. onStart(): The Fragment becomes visible.
  6. onPause(): Indicates that the user is leaving the Fragment and any changes intended to persist beyond the current session should be saved here.
  7. onStop(): The Fragment is stopped.
  8. onDestroyView(): Called to destroy the UI components of the Fragment.
  9. onDestroy(): Final cleanup of the Fragment state.
  10. onDetach(): Signals the detachment of the Fragment from its associated Activity.

Implementing Fragments in Android

Implementing Fragments in Android requires clear structuring. An example project featuring two Fragments – `TextFragment` and `MenuFragment` – within a single Activity named `MainActivity` illustrates this. The Fragments are defined in the Activity’s XML layout file and managed via the `FragmentManager`.



The `MainActivity` is completed by adding the Fragments via the `FragmentManager`:

.add(, new MyFragment())


The Android Fragment Lifecycle provides developers with a structured way to manage interaction between Activities and Fragments. With a clear understanding of these lifecycle methods and their implementation, robust and flexible user interfaces for Android applications can be created. Fragments are a powerful tool for simplifying the development of applications for various screen sizes and orientations.

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