Optimal Utilization of Date and Time Pickers in Android Applications

Date and Time Pickers are commonly used elements in Android apps when it comes to
allowing users to select dates and times. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the usage of a
Date Picker and a Time Picker dialog in our Android application. These components
provide a custom interface for selecting date and time. We will utilize the
DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog classes along with the Calendar class in our
Android application code to achieve this.

DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog in Android

Although a Date Picker and a Time Picker can be used as independent widgets, they occupy a
significant amount of space on the screen. Therefore, it’s better to use them within a dialog.
Fortunately, Android provides its own classes DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog.
These classes feature callback methods onDateSetListener() and onTimeSetListener(),
which are called when the user sets the date or time, respectively. The DatePickerDialog
class consists of a constructor with five arguments listed below:

  1. Context: It requires the application context.
  2. Callback function: onDateSet() is called when the user sets the date, with the
    following parameters:

    • int year: It stores the currently selected year from the dialog.
    • int monthOfYear: It stores the currently selected month from the dialog.
    • int dayOfMonth: It stores the currently selected day from the dialog.
  3. int mYear: It displays the current year visible when the dialog is displayed.
  4. int mMonth: It displays the current month visible when the dialog is displayed.
  5. int mDay: It displays the current day visible when the dialog is displayed.

The TimePickerDialog class also consists of a constructor with five arguments listed below:

  1. Context: It requires the application context.
  2. Callback function: onTimeSet() is called when the user sets the time, with the
    following parameters:

    • int hourOfDay: It stores the currently selected hour of the day from the
    • int minute: It stores the currently selected minute from the dialog.
  3. int mHours: It displays the current hour visible when the dialog is displayed.
  4. int mMinute: It displays the current minute visible when the dialog is displayed.
  5. boolean false: If set to false, the time is displayed in 24-hour format; otherwise, not.

Example Project Structure for Android Date Time Picker Dialog

The project structure for the Date Time Picker Dialog project consists of two main
components: activity_main.xml and MainActivity.java.

Android Date Time Picker Dialog Project Code

The activity_main.xml contains two buttons to invoke the Date and Time Picker dialogs and
to set the time selected by the user in the two EditText views. The MainActivity.java class
implements the logic for displaying the picker dialogs and setting the selected values in the
respective EditText views.

This tutorial demonstrates effective methods for utilizing Date and Time Picker dialogs in
Android applications. You can download the final Android DateTimePickerDialog project via
the provided link and experiment with it.

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