Building Cloud Competence with centron – our Apache Tutorials

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Tutorials – Apache

Textdatei in Java lesen

Standardize Configuration File Names for Log4j

Apache, Guide
Standardize Configuration File Names for Log4j Log4j expects configuration files to have standard names. If your files are named differently, such as myapp-log4j.xml or, log4j will not recognize them…
Textdatei in Java lesen

JUnit Setup Maven – Tutorial

JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 in Maven Projects JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 are completely different frameworks. They both serve the same purpose, but the JUnit 5 is a completely…
Textdatei in Java lesen

JUnit HTML Report – Tutorial

JUnit HTML Report – Tutorial When we configure maven-surefire-plugin to run our JUnit tests, it generates surefire-reports directory. This directory contains a txt file and an XML file for every…

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